All players must read and agree to follow all player safety rules, field safety guidelines, and sign
the waiver of liability and hold harmless agreement prior to participating in any paintball
activities without exception. Any violation of the safety rules will result in mandatory ejection
from the field and/or premises.
1. SAFETY GOGGLES must be worn by anyone in the playing field and target range at
all times. Only Goggles specifically approved for paintball that provide full face and ear
protection are allowed. Modifications are strictly prohibited.
2. NO SHOOTING in any areas other than the designated playing field and/or target
range. No shooting into or out of the registration area, neutral zones or parking area.
Markers may only be discharged on the active field of play or target range.
3. JUDGES DECISIONS ARE FINAL and players or spectators will not be allowed to
argue with the referees under any circumstances.
4. BARREL BLOCKING DEVICES must be in at all times anywhere on the
property other than the designated playing field and target range. Barrel blocking
devices must be specifically designed and manufactured for paintball markers.
6. NO SHOOTING at wildlife, airplanes, automobiles, parachutists, etc.
7. NO CLIMBING of trees, vehicles, or any structure 4’ or higher. Castles, forts, or
towers must be clearly marked in the field of play and meet our safety guidelines.
10. NO ALCOHOL OR ILLEGAL DRUGS are allowed on the premises. Anyone
engaging in these activities or who is impaired will be ejected from the field. Repeat
violators will be banned from the facility permanently.
11. NO VERBAL ABUSE profanity, name-calling, or slurs against anyone’s race, religion,
or family members and friends will be tolerated.
12. NO SMOKING except in designated areas approved by the field operator.
13. NO UNAUTHORIZED EQUIPMENT or potentially dangerous gear is allowed.
All firearms, knives, machetes, etc. are prohibited. The field operator must approve all
equipment allowed on the premises.
14. MODIFICATIONS ARE PROHIBITED Players are not allowed to modify safety
goggles, rental markers, bunkers, or any property on the premises.
15. SPECTATORS are required to wear safety goggles unless they remain a minimum of
five feet behind the safety netting at all times. No exceptions.
16. TANK-FILLS players are not allowed to perform tank-fills (Until Trained)